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2.28.0 and Later

Locking/Unlocking API changes

The behavior of TKMDefaultTriggerLockCommand has changed. It used to let the locking device choose, which trigger lock action to take, but now always executes the lock's default action. The former behavior is available through the new TKMAutoTriggerLockCommand and TKMAutoTriggerLockCommandBuilder, which behave equally to the old and new version of TKMDefaultTriggerLockCommand when used with locking devices implementing protocol version 0x3E or earlier. However, when used with newer locking devices, the TKMAutoTriggerLockCommand lets the lock choose which action to take while the TKMDefaultTriggerLockCommand requests the lock to execute its default action type.

In order to properly deal with differences between different versions of locking devices, the use of the new TKMCompatTriggerLockCommandBuilder is encouraged instead of using TKMAutoTriggerLockCommand or TKMDefaultTriggerLockCommand.

The following table outlines the differences between the three:

Lock's Protocol Version DefaultTriggerLockCommandB. AutoTriggerLockCommandB. CompatTriggerLockCommandB.
< 0x3E (locks only support the default command) Default command Default command Default command
0x3E Default command Default command Builder chooses based on the user's permission
>= 0x3F Default command Lock chooses based on the user's permissions Lock chooses based on the user's

Where no custom properties need to be passed, it's encouraged to use TKMCommandExecutionFacade.triggerLockAsync() instead of TKMCommandExecutionFacade.executeStandardCommandAsync().


Search your code for TKMDefaultTriggerLockCommandBuilder and replace it with TKMCompatTriggerLockCommandBuilder. If no special features of TKMCompatTriggerLockCommandBuilder are used, consider using TKMCommandExecutionFacade.triggerLockAsync instead of TKMCommandExecutionFacade.executeStandardCommandAsync().

return bleLockCommunicator.executeCommandAsync(
    bluetoothAddress: bluetoothAddress,
    physicalLockId: physicalLockId,
    commandFunc: { tlcConnection -> TKMPromise<TKMCommandResult> in

        // Replace:
        // let triggerLockCommand = new TKMDefaultTriggerLockCommandBuilder()
        //     .build();
        // return commandExecutionFacade.executeStandardCommandAsync(
        //         tlcpConnection,
        //         command: triggerLockCommand,
        //         cancellationToken: ct);
        // with:

        return commandExecutionFacade.triggerLockAsync(
                cancellationToken: ct);

        // MIGRATION END

    cancellationToken: ct)

Simplified KeyManager

The interface of the TKMKeyManager was simplified. The asynchronous method queryLocalKeysAsync(String, TKMCancellationToken) was replaced with a synchronous method getLocalKeys(String).


Replace TKMKeyManager#queryLocalKeysAsync(String, CancellationToken) with TKMKeyManager#getLocalKeys(String).

// Replace:
//self.keyManager.queryLocalKeysAsync(userId: userId, cancellationToken: cancellationToken)
//    .continueOnUI { (keys: [TKMKeyDetails]) in
//        // display data
//        ....
//        return nil
//    }
// with:

let keys: [TKMKeyDetails]  = keyManager.getLocalKeys(userId: userId);

Streamlined representation of lock ID

Except for TKMBleLock, everywhere the Base64-encoded representation of the TLCP lock ID is used. For consistency reasons, the Base64-encoded TLCP lock ID was added to the BleLock as well and the Data representation was marked as deprecated. APIs accepting Data as lock ID were marked as deprecated in favor of the Base64-encoded lock ID.


Replace the usage of TKMBleLock#lockId with TKMBleLock.physicalLockId()

// Replace:
// let lockId: Data = bleLock.lockId
// let isNearby: Bool = bleLockScanner.isLockNearby(physicalLockId: lockId)
// let isNearby: Bool = bleLockScanner.isLockNearby(physicalLockId: lockId, rssi: rssi)
// let lock: TKMBleLock = bleLockScanner.getLock(physicalLockId: lockId)
// let locks: [TKMBleLock] = bleLockScanner.getLocks(physicalLockId: lockId)
// bleLockCommunicator.executeCommandAsync(
//     bluetoothAddress: bluetoothAddress, physicalLockId: String(data: lockId, encoding: .utf8), commandFunc: tlcpConnection -> { ...

let lockId: String = bleLock.physicalLockId
let isNearby: Bool = bleLockScanner.isLockNearby(physicalLockId: lockId)
let isNearby: Bool = bleLockScanner.isLockNearby(physicalLockId: lockId, rssi: rssi)
let lock: TKMBleLock = bleLockScanner.getLock(physicalLockId: lockId)
let locks: [TKMBleLock] = bleLockScanner.getLocks(physicalLockId: lockId)
    bluetoothAddress: bluetoothAddress, physicalLockId: lockId, commandFunc: tlcpConnection -> { ...