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The TapkeyServiceFactoryBuilder creates an instance of AndroidTapkeyServiceFactory, which is a derivation of the os independent TapkeyServiceFactory, and the TapkeyAppContext now enforces an Android TapkeyServiceFactory return type for the get method.


In the implementation of the Android Application, the type TapkeyServiceFactory has to be replaced with the type AndroidTapkeyServiceFactory.

public class App extends Application implements TapkeyAppContext{

// Replace
// private TapkeyServiceFactory tapkeyServiceFactory;
// with
private AndroidTapkeyServiceFactory tapkeyServiceFactory;


    // Replace
    // public TapkeyServiceFactory getTapkeyServiceFactory() {
    // with
    public AndroidTapkeyServiceFactory getTapkeyServiceFactory() {
        return tapkeyServiceFactory;
