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This page contains a listing of sample applications using the Tapkey Web APIs.


C# Console Application


A sample application that lists the user's registered locks. This application demonstrates the integration with the Tapkey Access Management Web API using the Client Credentials flow.

Visual Basic Console Application


Basically the same application as the C# above but written in VB using .NET Framework.

ASP.NET Core MVC Application


A sample ASP.NET Core MVC application that lists the user's registered locks. This application demonstrates the integration with the Tapkey Access Management Web API using the Authorization Code with PKCE flow.


Spring Boot Web Service


An exemplary server application that demonstrates Tapkey's Token Exchange grant type in combination with an external identity provider.


CSV Log Export


A sample application allowing users to download a CSV file of their access logs. This application demonstrates the integration with the Tapkey Access Management Web API using the Authorization Code flow. Written in Python 3 using Flask.